Taking a Stance Against the Virgin Speculum with the Lady Garden Foundation

After Lady Garden Foundation’s Medical Director John Butler shared an insight that the smallest speculum was still known as the ‘Virgin Speculum’, an archaic and unnecessarily oversexualised term, Halpern secured a comment piece in The Guardian for Co-Founder and Chairwoman of the charity, Jenny Halpern Price MBE. 
The article lobbied for this instrument to be renamed the ‘extra-small speculum’ or, at least, its medical terms, the Pederson speculum. On behalf of the foundation, Jenny also argued that this misogynistic term should be removed from use by medical device advertisers and other materials shared in medical schools. Once published, the article caught the attention of Dagma Neal, Product Assurance Specialist at NHS Supply Chain, who has since been working closely with the foundation to implement change. 
 In addition to The Guardian piece, our advocacy work alongside the Lady Garden Foundation also resulted in a piece in Cosmopolitan, as well as the print issue of Mail on Sunday and online. 

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